Senator At Large
Annie (Kuhi) Leong
Anela Akiu
Senator At Large
Max Bielawski
Senator At Large
D Sasaki
Brandon Reed
Vice President
Maurice Crabbe
Hoakalei Watanabe
Pearl (Momi) Bachiller
Kimberly Song
Venus Li
Samantha Avila Gomez
College of Arts and Sciences
Katherine Rosinski
Each college is represented on the Senate by a college senator(s). They serve a term of one (1) year,
and are elected by ASUH constituents within the college(s) they represent.
Cardenas Pintor
Lilliana Marco
Samuel Montero
Miriam Kessler
Kekuawela Tauala
College of Health and Sciences
& Social Welfare
Shidler College of Business
Adonis Espana
Hema Watson
Leilani Akwue
Kawai Kapuni
College of Education
Freddie Lao
Sonja Giardina
School of Ocean and
Earth Science &Technology
Meet the 112th Senate
Every Senate serves a term of one whole academic year, from the beginning of Summer to the end of Spring. ASUH has been around since 1912, marking this year's senate to be in its 112th year. The 112th Senate is currently serving in the 2024-2025 Academic year.
The ASUH President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and four Senators-At-Large (SAL)
serve a term of one (1) year, represent and are elected by the general ASUH constituency.